Then we go check in at the counter. Our luggage total up to 50 kg, 21 kg for me and 29 for Elun. It was just nice for the weight, but suddenly the guy at the counter say that one person can only have 25 kg. But me and Elun was travelling together, so 2 of us can carry 50 kg, and it was just nice, our weight, until now i still don't know why the guy at the counter asked us to even out our luggage weight.... Then after me and Elun sorted things out, his luggage weighted 26 and mine 23...

~My Luggage, 23 kg, with one of Elun's hard disk inside and his bunch of wires~

~Elun's Luggage~
We reach Auckland Airport around 2030, then we go loitering around with our bunch of luggage. At first we waited at the check-in area, but then we got hungry, so we went to the McDonald's at the other end of the airport.
Then we decided to wait at the McDonald until our check-in time, which is at 0450... Each of us take turns to walk around the airport, then, at a point, Elun was so tired that he rest on the McD's table... Kesihan...
We waited for 6 hours before we could check-in. Then we boarded the flight to Brunei, finally. The flight was ahead of schedule, but got delayed because 2 passenger were detained by the and were not allowed to travel. Then another shocking is that we are flying directly to Brunei, me and Elun was like OMG!!! Our flight to Brunei takes about 9 hours and 10 min. Reach Brunei, another 6 hours to wait.. Stupid!!! We got the meal voucher from the ticket counter, had our lunch, then slept throughout the whole time until the time that we need to get through security check. During the security check, there was a problem from a family traveler traveled from Heath row, where they had bought some duty free stuff that was liquid and it cost 50 pound. The family explained that the the duty free airport that sold them the liquid did not seal the goods for them, and the staff just would not let them get through the security check. The family was furious and one of the family member was swearing the whole time. Then, it was time to board the flight, and finally, I'm back to KK!!!
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