Yesterday, me, Nicole, Emma and Emma's cousin went out together to have dinner. At first we wanted to go to Hell Pizza to have buffet, reach there then only we knew that they dun have it for the summer. Then we went to another place, after much discussion. It was a Korean and Chinese Restaurant, forgot the shop name. Reach there, bloody shop said Monday not open. I was so hungry that time until I was @#$%^.... Ish...
Then our last resort, go to HK BBQ. Reach there, I saw Frederick, Kim and Marilyn ( I think that's her name... :p ) We were so hungry, and the 4 of us ordered 6 dished to share between us, plus 2 bowls of rice... Mua ha ha ha..

After the meal, and yes I know, it's very shocking... Mua ha ha ha...

And there's the 2 bowls of rice... Eh he he he he..
After dinner, we went to New World at Oriental Bay. I bought home 6 bottle of Manuka Honey... While accompanying Emma and YiXin buying their grocery, we pass by the section where they put meats for dogs, and guess what we found, a very big bone!!!

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