Mua ka ka ka ka... My b'day is finally here!!!!! Another year older... Sad.... Anyhow, Nicole suggested earlier that to have a pot luck at her place to celebrate my bday. So those who turn up was me and Nicole (of course), then got Minwei (of course also, coz she live with Nicole), and Emma and her cousin!!!!! there are 5 of us, and because every one are going to cook at Nicole's place, so, Nicole asked us to go to her place at different time.
As were suggested we do pot luck, the menu for that day is superb!!!! High calories and protein not to mentioned, but taste very very nice!!! I made a mushroom dish, errr, kinda the hakka way.. I prepared the stuffing before going to Nicole's place, then do the stuffing at her place and deep fry it..... Then after the dish is done, sigh, every one tried a bit, then tray a but again then agian and again, lol, only left half when we all sit down together and eat...
OK! Then it's Nicole's menu.... Her menu is ~~~~~~~~~~ PRAWN MEE!!!!!!! Yoo Hoo!!! Seriously, her prawn mee taste very alike!!! And she also prepared the belacan!!! OMG, Nicole, you're the best!!!! Mua ha ha ha ha.... And Emma tried the prawn mee for the 1st time, she was so so so shock that it tasted so nice!!! Ha ha ha ha... Not just the soup did taste like the ori one, but the taste also... Yummmmmy....
~Couldn't go without the eggs and chicken floss with prawn mee~
Then go to Emma's dish for the day. She and her cousin made the pork leg. It's really really tasty, taste quite like the 纸包鸡, I like that dish a lot!!! Need to learn it before I go back to KK to cook for Mosquito them all... The preparation is quite easy, just need some time to bake it...
~Emma frying the leg before setting it into the oven~
~After finish baking it, Emma cuts it into piece, man, the aroma lingers the whole place~
Minwei made us radish cake, and of course, make from radish... I don't know how she prepared it, cause when I reach Nicole's place the radish cake are already baking in the oven... Too bad....
~It looks ordinary, but it taste fine!!!~
And of course, how could you not have a birthday cake for the event?! The cake is prepared by Emma and her cousin. They, ermm, kinda DIY the cake. They bought 2 pieces of plain cake from New World, they brought a pack of strawberries, cans of peaches and mixed fruits, and also whipped cream. And not to forget the chocolate fingers.... Everything goes alright, until Emma tried to spray whipped cream on to the cake. Guess what, the cream started to melt.. LOL...
~Look how tempting is the strawberries!!!~
~Ta Da! The finished cake!~
So, when everything is finished, we setted up the table and start feasting!!!!
~The table setted before feasting!!!~
After having a great dinner, the cake was brought out... Then putting in the candles, and when comes to lighting the candle, then only we found out that none of us had a lighter or matches. So, Nicole and Emma went next door to see if they have lighter... And luckily, they have... Nicole and Emma them all sang me birthday song.. Seriously, I was quite touched that time, cause in the previous years, some time my parents and even myself would forget my own birthday... Then, Nicole handed me a present. Well, the picture of the present I will upload next time. After making wish and blowing candles, given that we had a heavy meal just now, we manage to finish the all of the cake in 10 min!!! Yup, finished the cake in 10 min!!!! And we were quite shocked oneself also.... LOL!!!!
~Putting the candles on~
~Lighting up the candles~
~In progress of destroying the cake (btw, that's Nicole's hand there, LOL)~
~Putting the whole tin of whipped cream onto the cake~
So after the meals and cakes, Nicole brought out a bottle of wine. We have a beer each during the dinner. Err, don't if Minwei is drunk or not, but she looked very very very super red after a can of beer and gotten worst after a cup of wine. We tried to play truth and dare afterwards, but tak jadi, so only lay around to chat...
~Emma accidently spilt Nicole's cup of tea, and the spillage looks like a devil, LOL~
happy belated birthday!!...
(XD~ sry, forgot jor...)
finish in 10mins?,...
u guys so geng arh?...
d cake sure taste great lo...
i wan to eat...XD~~~
Taste very nice...
cause it's not sweet at all...
you know how i hate eating too sweet punya cake....
lolz.....same same...
me oso dun like too sweet d cake....XD~~~
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