A family suprised trip. We went to Korea for 6 days..... Was the 1st time that the whole family went overseas together!!!
On the the 1st day, well, should say night, we went to the airport and fly over to Korea, then arrived there the 2nd day.Was so funny in the airport, we packed every thing that we need to bring to Korea, but there is one thing that mum and dad forgot to pack extra -- SMOKES!! Lol, they only got a pack... With the speed that they smoke, it will be gone within a day, and they would not survive for the whole trip. Ah Wei did buy some smokes, but only 5 packet, plus the one that mum and dad brought, in total there is 6. Lol, they were so jimat during the whole trip, and the 6 packet needs to be share amongst 4, dad, mum, Ah Wei, and Noel.... And they din buy it in Korea, coz was super expensive...
Once we reach, our 1st destination is to the shooting scene of "Jewel In The Palace - 大长今". It was freezing cold there. Even though I had been to Korea the week before, as a tour leader with another tour, but it was totally different feeling with family.
After the shoothing scene, we went to another shooting scene , "Winter Sonata - 蓝色生死恋". And to be honest, I have no feeling at all at the scene... Cause I din watch the bloody sappy drama... But I really had most feeling when I went to the shooting scene for "Jewel In The Palace"....
Then, we had our lunch before proceeding to the nest destination.... It was the 1st meal we have in Korea, exclude the nasty flight meal we had in the plane.... Just one word, Yummy!!!

Then, we went to the temple. It's a Bhuddist temple, and i found that there are some resemblance with some of the temple in our country, but still quite different... LOL...
After the temple we head to hotels... What a night... We had a traditional way of sleeping in that hotel, called "Kang", well, mainly is sleeping on the floor like the Japanese did... During the whole trip, we had three meals a day, we are so well fed, but we digested ti really fast, due to all the walking and exercising...

One experience that I would never forget of is the SKI!!!! We had some lunch before heading to the mountain... Too bad that it wasn't cold enough, and on that day it was raining!! The tour guide said that it is rare to rain during that season and along with thunder... But yet, we had fun!!!!

One of the famous meal in Korea is the BBQ. Is BBQ pork, and it's very very nice.. You get to BBQ yourself and the meat supply is unlimited, as long as you finish what you refill... Man... Super tasty!! And the way they eat the BBQ is a bit different, where they put the done pork with a bit of rice in a leave of lettuce, then you roll it, and put the whole thing in your mouth...Yumm...

We did went to another temple during the trip, but this one is kinda different, it's a Sleeping Bhuddah temple. The scenery there was terrific!!! And the temple is surrounded by trees and hills... And the atmosphere is serene, peaceful and quiet...
We also had a chance to visit the "Everland", which is the biggest theme park in Korea. It is also treated as the Koreans' Disneyland. The theme for that month, of course, is christmas, and every inch of the place is decorated very festively. There are outdoor games, as well as indoor one. Was super fun!!!

There are always different kind of meals in Korea, where most of them are delicious... I actually finds it that they seldom have fried stuff.... Wonder why.....

Before we head back to KK, we got a chance in experiencing the Kimchi making. In fact, we alsp got a chance to try on their tradition clothing...

The only meal I don't like of all the Korean dish is the one we had on our last day before the flight. It's actually ok, but i don't like it cause of the strong smell of herbs.. We were enjoying our meal while looking around of the interior design of the shop. Then, we found some message written on the wall. This shop is kinda special, where customers are encourage to leave a message on the wall, and we found out that there were also some Malaysian been there before, and there is one dated only 2 days before us.

Things in Korea are quite cheap, assuming you know where to shop. Ah wei actually got me a winter coat in Myung Dong, a fashion street, for only RM 27!!! Then the other night when me, Ah Wei, Mosquito and Noel when lurking around the street near our hotel, and Mosquito got herself a cool winter coat for only RM 24.30!!! And Ah Wei got two piece of long sleves blouse for 5000 won for 2, meaning it's only 13.50 for 2!!! And the Korean instant noodle is very cheap, compared to those you could get in Malaysia, not to mention that the taste is different...
it take over 40mins++ for me to read all ur post from the newest to this...
erm,haha....actually me hvnt finish reading ur post...
it's very very long lerh...
hw can u remember those things wic happens a months ago?...swt swt..
Ha ha ha...
of course I can!!!
That't the wonders of photos...
You recalls by viewing back at those photos taken... >,<
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